Homeless Animals Campaign
We created this “homeless animals’ campaign for The Born Free Foundation to highlight the problem of habitat loss. The ads were art directed by Katy Hopkins and Steve Hawthorne at WCRS…. “Most people know that deforestation and the loss of natural habitats is a problem. They know that many animals are displaced an killed by this process. That doesn’t mean, however, that they do anything about it. This is partly because people feel they’ve heard it all before and partly because the problem seems so far away. So, in order to address this, we wanted to create a campaign that highlighted the problem in a way that was both surprising and that made the problem feel relevant to people in Britain. That’s where the idea of homeless animals came from. By destroying the areas in which animals would naturally live, we are essentially making them homeless. And homelessness is something that everyone in Britain understands and can relate to. By putting animals in settings where we would normally expect to see homeless humans we are getting across the problems that these animals face in an unexpected, relevant and hopefully engaging way.”A big thanks to James and Chris at The Mill who took time off from post-producing Oscar-winning features to create this short film for me.